Word of the Day: Robust

erwCan you guess the meaning of “robust”?   Check this out to know if your guess is correct.”robust”라는 단어의 뜻을 맞춰보시겠어요?  생각하신 답이 맞는지 확인해 봐요.


Muscle Man in Circle by j4p4n


Answer (답): strong and healthy; hardy; vigorous 강건한, 건강한; 단단한; 활발한

Pronunciation (발음) : /roh-BUHST, ROH-buhst/

Sample Sentence (샘플 문장): I am willing to do anything  to have such a robust body.건강한 몸을 가지기 위해 무엇이든 하겠어.

Antonyms (반의어): feeble; weak 허약한; 약한



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